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Showing posts from January, 2023


 Jurassic Paper Brainstorming: * Using lights and a sensor (motion? light?) to activate an addressable light strip in sequence and music and sounds; cast against cutouts of dinos and environment.  Materials: *LEDs *Speaker *spot light *fake plant?  To test: *make sure that each of the cut outs are sized correctly * Test light movement to simulate real movement * choose a proper sensor that will work for the project * Choose a location to stage and document Strip lights to move and simulate light MY CODE #include #ifdef __AVR__ #include #endif // what pin are the neopixels on? #define PIN 10 // how many pixels? #define NUMPIXELS 10 int counter = -1; //declare a neopixel (software) object Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); void setup() { pinMode(9, INPUT); digitalRead(9); pixels.begin(); // This initializes the NeoPixel library.; // start with all pixels off Serial.begin(9600); } void ...

[03.) BLERG POST: 2: Interactive LED Circuit]

 #2 Interactive LED Circuit My Circuit (photo): My Code: void setup() { // serial communication Serial.begin(9600); //LED pins pinMode(8, OUTPUT); pinMode(9, OUTPUT); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); pinMode(7, OUTPUT); pinMode(12, OUTPUT); //button pinMode(13, INPUT); //enable pullup resistor on pin 13 digitalWrite(13, HIGH); } void loop() { //is button being pressed? if (digitalRead(13) == 0) { digitalWrite(8, LOW); digitalWrite(9, LOW); digitalWrite(10, LOW); digitalWrite(7, LOW); digitalWrite(12, LOW); } else { //in 1st setting if (analogRead(A0) = 300) { digitalWrite(8, LOW); digitalWrite(9, HIGH); digitalWrite(10, LOW); digitalWrite(12, LOW); digitalWrite(7, LOW); } //3rd setting if (analogRead(A0) >= 500) { digitalWrite(8, LOW); digitalWrite(9, LOW); digitalWrite(10, HIGH); digitalWrite(12, LOW); digitalWrite(7, LOW); } //4th setting if (ana...

[01.) BLERG POST: 1: The Beginning]

 "MyBlink"  The red light, she blinks.